Enjoy the winter season while protecting yourself against potential hazards:
Our winters in Quebec, as beautiful as they can be, bring their own share of risks to our homes and our personal safety. Here are the most common winter hazards, and a few basic tips to avoid them.
Breaks in the plumbing system
When temperatures drop, it’s common for pipes to freeze and eventually burst, causing serious water damage. To avoid this, consider insulating pipes exposed to the cold, such as those in garages or basements, and keep a minimal amount of heat in less heated rooms.
Risk of fire
With the heat running at full capacity during winter, the risk of fire increases, especially if heating appliances are not well-maintained. Before winter sets in, have your heating appliances inspected and check your outlets to avoid electric overload. Also, avoid leaving space heaters unattended.
Risk of injury
Snow and ice make sidewalks and driveways slippery, and falls can quickly lead to serious injury. To reduce risks, clear the accesses to your home as soon as possible and consider spreading salt or sand to eliminate slippery surfaces.
Water infiltration
When snow melts, water can seep through the roof and cause damage to the house. To prevent infiltration, it’s essential to check your roof and gutters before winter arrives and keep them clear throughout the season to avoid snow and ice buildup.
Road accidents
Winter driving in Quebec can be a real challenge with ice and snow regularly appearing. To be safe on the road, equip your vehicle with good winter tires, reduce your speed, and always keep a good distance between you and other vehicles.
Power outages
Winter storms can easily cause power outages, and we all know how uncomfortable that can be. If possible, get a backup generator. Also, keep flashlights and blankets handy, just in case.