Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information (Consumer)

Our Mission and Priority

At Gosselin Courtiers d'Assurances, we take the protection of your personal information very seriously throughout all of our professional activities; and this in accordance with articles 35 to 40 and 1525 of the Civil Code.

The Act respecting the protection of personal information requires the firm to inform its consumer base of the measures taken to securely manage the personal information of its clients (both potential and existing).


An internal policy has been implemented to raise awareness among employees, including insurance brokers, of the best practices to adopt within their professional activities for the firm.


The firm has appointed its president, Karine Gosselin, as the designated person responsible for the protection of the firm's personal information.  450 264-3553 ext. 225


Collection and Use of Information


Employees of the firm may only collect information that is necessary to obtain an insurance quote and for the management of insurance files.


Information may be shared internally (within the firm) and externally (with insurers and wholesalers) solely in order to obtain insurance quotes and to manage insurance files.


Consent for the collection and use of personal information is obtained by brokers at the time of information collection.


Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure of Information


Employees of the firm have signed a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement concerning, amongst other things, the personal and sensitive information of the firm's clients. They are bound by this agreement to use the information to which they have access solely for the professional activities of the firm, and in accordance with legal, regulatory, and ethical requirements, and only for the purposes for which they were collected.


As well, employees are required to protect the integrity of the information to which they have access and to ensure its confidentiality. They must not disclose this information unless expressly authorized by their manager or compelled by the law.


Method of Communication


The firm uses Outlook email service to communicate with its clientele (both existing and potential). It cannot guarantee the complete security of this means of communication. In this context, when the consumer wishes to use this means of communication, they consent to any risks that may arise from this venue. The option for communication by mail is always available.



Conservation and Destruction of Information


The firm retains client files in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, with the purpose of ensuring their safe storage, and for the period determined by current law and regulations.


In the case where personal information must be destroyed, the firm uses certified shredders on its premises or employs an external firm specialized in shredding services.




In the event of a dispute or complaint regarding the protection of personal information, the consumer or client is invited to consult the firm's published protocols on the subject of disputes and complaints.


These protocols are available on the firm's website:

By Email:

By Telephone: 450-264-3553


References of Interest


  • Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector
  • Act to modernize legislative provisions in regards to the protection of personal information, LQ 2021, c 25
  • Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services, articles 30, 89, 91, and 113
  • Code of Ethics for Damage Insurance Representatives, articles 23 and 24

Effective date of policy: 2023-09-01


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