Vacations are a precious time for relaxation, leaving all worries behind. However, returning home should not be overshadowed by the discovery of a burglary, water damage, or worse. Here are some simple yet crucial measures to protect your home while you're away.
1. Install a Security System: Homes without a security system are easy targets for burglars. A system connected to a monitoring center can deter intruders and alert authorities in case of an intrusion.
2. Shut Off the Water Supply: Turn off the main water supply to avoid toilet overflows, plumbing leaks, or faucets left open.
3. Suspend Mail Delivery: Stop mail and newspaper delivery or ask someone to collect them to avoid signaling your absence to ill-intentioned observers.
4. Create an Illusion of Presence: Use outdoor motion sensor lights and timers to turn indoor lights on and off. Maintain the garden and house to give the impression that someone is home.
5. Set the Thermostat: Reduce energy consumption by adjusting the thermostat but maintain a minimum temperature to prevent freezing or structural damage.
6. Unplug Electronic Devices: To avoid damage from power surges, unplug sensitive electronic devices, even if they are protected by a surge protector.
7. Disable the Garage Door: Prevent hacking of the opening codes by disconnecting the garage door or using a universal remote control, depending on the brand.
8. Remove Hidden Keys: Do not leave hidden keys outside; instead, entrust them to a trusted friend or relative.
9. Ensure Regular Visits: Ask a friend or family member to check in every 2-3 days to make sure everything is alright.
By taking these precautions before your departure, you can fully enjoy your vacation with peace of mind.